Secret Cinema is always one of the biggest film events on the calendar in London. So high profile is the event company, and so pricey are its tickets for its multi-layered, live screening immersive events, that their seasons often make the box office charts. Recent productions involved Back to the Future and Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, both raking in huge sums. This year has already seen Secret Cinema return to running secretive films, with a season in full swing now. But from April 14th until May 29th Secret Cinema’s “Presents…” strand, where the film is known in advance, will take on Danny Boyle’s cult-favourite horror film 28 Days Later. It is the first time Secret Cinema presents has dipped into this genre. See details below. You can read the review of both the Back to the Future and The Empire Strikes Back events here too to get an idea of what you might be in for.
Secret Cinema presents its first ever horror world with Danny Boyle’s critically acclaimed 28 Days Later in a secret London location from April 14th until May 29th.
We are also very excited to announce the launch of Secret Cinema Presents nationwide later this year, in a secret city somewhere in the UK. Find the clues on buildings around the country.
Join our page here.
Tickets for the London event will be available at 1300 hours tomorrow,
Thursday, 3rd March 1300 hours GMT.